Scented Geraniums (Pelargoniums): Herb of the Year™ 2006
~ Compiled by the International Herb Association Horticulture Committee: Charles E. Voigt, Chair

Herb of the Year™: Scented Geraniums is brimming with in depth, comprehensive information on thePelargoniums. From botany and cultivation to fragrance and flavor to medicinal and aromatherapy properties, lore and much more, this compilation was written by our very own IHA members. Fourteen contributors run the gamut from enthusiastic growers to academics listing chemical analysis of the essential oils, not to mention numerous mouth-watering recipes using all different scented geraniums. This is a bound book with 65 pages. The color cover features photos by Susan Belsinger. Line drawings by Pat Kenny illustrate the diversity of form found within this aromatic genus of plants.