Rose (Rosa): Herb of the Year™ 2012 ~ Compiled by Susan Belsinger
In 2012, we celebrate Rose (Rosaspecies) Herb of the Year™ 2012
The International Herb Association proudly presents a preview of our Herb of the Year™ Publication.
The links to the right provide a preview of some rose articles, recipes, and photographs in our book, now available for purchase.
Related Rose Articles:
Rose A Shady Lady
Rose Info
Rose Recipes
Rose Vinegar
Roses In The Kitchen
Roses Passing Through Time And Tastes
Herb of the Year™ books are published annually by the International Herb Association.
All rights reserved. No portion of these books, text, prose, recipes, illustrations or photography, may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from the International Herb Association.
All rights reserved. No portion of these books, text, prose, recipes, illustrations or photography, may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from the International Herb Association.
These books are intended as informational guides. The remedies, approaches and techniques described herein are meant to supplement, and not to be a substitute for professional medical care or treatment; please consult your health care provider.