Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana): Herb of the Year™ 2011
~ Compiled and edited by Susan Belsinger
The International Herb Association recently held their annual conference and meeting of members in Collinsville, Illinois. We gathered there in order to visit the horseradish farms and processing plant in order to be informed and prepared for Horseradish Herb of the Year™ 2011!
We had a marvelous time and want to share some of what we learned aboutArmoracia rusticana with you, here and now, in order to better acquaint you with IHAs Herb of the Year™ for 2011.
Included here is general information on cultivation and cultivars, botany, lore, commercial growing and marketing details, harvesting and storage, culinary suggestions and just a few recipes.
Our in-depth book, Horseradish: Herb of the Year&trade 2011, is chock full of informationfrom precise planting information, ancient history and lore, poetry, musings, photography, illustrations, mouthwatering recipes from Fire Cider to pungent sauces and savory vegetable dishes, chemical constituents and medicinal virtues with a special warming herbal salve and moreall featuring this pungent root.